Hills Electrical I spent 40 years trying to drive our company forward – there is so much that this is now subdivided further
Timeline – The timeline that was published on the website in 2008 – updated
Office Life – The Ledgers – how we kept the books back in the day
Office Life – Phones and typists and how we communicated
Office Life – Paying wages, handling cash, banks
Computers – our technology was always state of the art – what was it
The Xerox rip off – would you like a million pounds worth of photocopiers?
A Christmas Carol – we put on our own panto in 2002
The Japanese Are Coming – the Japanese tried to takeover UK construction – our involvement
The VAT Man Cometh – the madness that is VAT
Health and Safety – how Health and safety has changed and how they tried to make me a criminal
Downfall – my account of how the dream turned to dust
Building Magazine – reported the end – here is their account
Aftermath – what happened after the end
Construction Humour – humour from the 1970’s
Brochure and newsletters – copies of the brochures and newsletters we produced as pdf’s
The Battle Bus – A very expensive travelling folly
Premises – Recollections of the properties Hills owned and traded from