The planning system is broken as we all know. For example, Bing reports that, “The planning costs for the Lower Thames Crossing, a proposed road tunnel connecting Kent and Essex, have reached an astonishing £300 million so far. This ambitious project aims to ease congestion on the Dartford Crossing by providing an alternative route. However, despite being in the works for 15 years, no physical construction has been completed yet”

I compiled a list of the documents that you may need to produce but I stopped when I reached about 100.
Here they are:-

1 Site location plan and block plan
2 Completed application forms
3 Ownership certificate
4 Agricultural holdings certificate
5 Design and access statement (if applicable)
6 Planning fee payment
7 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) form (if applicable)
8 Heritage statement (if the site involves listed buildings)
9 Flood risk assessment (if applicable)
10 Biodiversity survey and report (if applicable)
11 Tree survey/report (if site has trees)
12 Land contamination assessment (if applicable)
13 Noise impact assessment (if applicable)
14 Transport assessment (if required)
15 Detailed drawings of the proposed development
16 Existing and proposed elevations
17 Existing and proposed floor plans
18 Roof plans
19 Detailed site and context analysis
20 Landscape details (if applicable)
21 Energy statement (if required)
22 Infrastructure and utilities statement (if applicable)
23 Daylight and sunlight assessment (if applicable)
24 Ventilation/extraction system details (if required)
25 Parking provision details (if applicable)
26 Waste storage and collection details (if applicable)
27 Affordable housing contribution (if applicable)
28 Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) details
29 Ecological mitigation measures (if required)
30 Air quality assessment (if applicable)
31 Noise and vibration assessment (if required)
32 Light pollution assessment (if applicable)
33 Visual impact assessment (if required)
34 Archaeological survey (if applicable)
35 Structural survey (if existing buildings are involved)
36 Retail impact assessment (for commercial developments)
37 Public right of way assessment (if applicable)
38 Utilities assessment including gas, water, electricity, and telecommunications
39 Construction management plan (for larger developments)
40 Materials and finishing samples/details
41 Section 106 agreement (if applicable)
42 Travel plan (for major developments)
43 Viability assessment (if applicable)
44 Conservation area consent (if in a conservation area)
45 Listed building consent (if works to a listed building are proposed)
46 Details of any external lighting schemes
47 Details of proposed signage (if applicable)
48 Details of proposed site security measures
49 Statement of community involvement (for major projects)
50 Health impact assessment (if required)
51 Marketing assessment (for the change of use applications)
52 Telecommunications development supporting information (if applicable)
53 Outline planning permission details (for outline applications)
54 Full planning permission details (for full applications)
55 Noise insulation details (for developments near noisy areas)
56 Storage and delivery management plan (for commercial developments)
57 External works details, including pathways and fences
58 Hours of construction operation statement
59 Demolition plan (if existing structures are to be demolished)
60 Renewable energy assessment (if applicable)
61 Details of mechanical and electrical services
62 Window and door opening schedules
63 Odour assessment (for developments that may affect air quality)
64 Site waste management plan
65 Justification for loss of any amenity space
66 Justification for loss of any employment land
67 Details of any proposed alterations to existing vehicular and pedestrian access
68 Landscape and ecological management plan
69 Statement of special architectural or historic interest (for relevant sites)
70 Details of any proposed changes to land levels
71 Details of any proposed means of enclosure
72 Statement of how crime prevention measures have been integrated
73 Statement of how inclusive design principles have been integrated
74 Details of any mitigation for loss of biodiversity or geodiversity
75 Financial viability assessment (for major developments)
76 Detailed retail assessment (for retail developments)
77 Statement of how water efficiency standards are met
78 Fire statement (for relevant developments in accordance with building regulations)
79 Details of any proposed art contributions (as part of public art strategies)
80 Details of how the development fits within the strategic policies of the local area
81 Detailed schedule of repairs (for listed buildings)
82 Justification for any works to protected trees or hedgerows
83 Acoustic design statement (for developments sensitive to noise or creating noise)
84 Daylight, Sunlight, and Overshadowing assessment (for high-density developments)
85 Rights of light assessment (to ensure development does not unduly obstruct light to neighboring properties)
86 Statement of how the proposal aligns with national and local planning policies
87 Evidence of the right to use land for the intended purpose (e.g., wayleaves, easements)
88 Details of servicing arrangements (e.g., access for emergency vehicles)
89 Provisions for electric vehicle charging points
90 Reflective ceiling plans (for complex internal lighting designs)
91 Long-term management and maintenance plans for communal areas
92 Details of any diversion of public footpaths or bridleways
93 Landscaping and habitat creation details (for developments affecting green spaces)
94 Dust assessment and management plan (for construction phase)
95 Statement of heritage impact (for developments affecting heritage assets or their setting)
96 Information on soil stability and geotechnical details (for developments on unstable land)
97 Details of any inbuilt furniture or fittings (for relevant developments)
98 Detailed phasing plan (for developments proposed to be built out in stages)
99 Information on the lifetime homes standards (for residential developments)
100 Details of any decanting strategy (if current occupants are to be relocated during construction)
101 Details of any energy generation and waste treatment facilities on site
102 Assessment of cumulative impact with other proposed or existing developments nearby
103 Details of any non-material amendments to previous permissions