On June 4 2017 I decided to cut a Sorbus which had died down. I cut the tree down and was cutting the branches when somehow I lost control of the chainsaw and it bit my left thumb. It went straight through the glove I was wearing and cut the thumb and tendon badly. I went off to A&E at the Manor hospital and A&E decided I needed an operation to stitch the tendon back. Eventually they admitted me to the men’s surgical ward to be operated on next morning.

I Whatsapped progess to my sons as follows:

20:05 pm  04/06/2017

“i’ve had a small accident with a chain saw I’m stuck in The Manor overnight awaiting a minor op to repair the tendon on my left thumb.
Promises to be a rotten night followed by a rotten day.
Nothing to worry about though full recovery anticipated.
Bridget is being brilliant looking after me.
I can’t believe that hurting your thumb results in so much damage, it did look pretty gory though. No work for me tomorrow”

5:59 am 05/06/2017

“…it is a pretty mess but at least it didn’t cut the bone The top tendon was sliced so i can’t straighten the thumb.
I’m nil by mouth now awaiting an operation which is scheduled for 3.00pm to just clip it back together”
I had just cut a dead tree down and was slicing through the large branches on the ground when the saw kicked somehow and caught my left thumb It could have been a lot worse or a lot better. I was the 2nd chain saw incident of the day here and the luckier.
So it is going to be a long day.
I must get out today but with the NHS you really have no idea.
They woke me up at 22.30 to put some device into my arm. “

8:49 am 05/06/2017

“Chaos here drip keeps on alarming.
I don’t have a white wristband which is important apparently.
But now i have a red one, but they don’t have the widget to put it on
And these guys are going to put me to sleep – not good scenario”

13:06 pm 05/06/2017

“Discharged myself with nothing done
Going to see a private specialist tomorrow.
Manor hospital didn’t know when they might operate and I couldn’t face another few days there.”

20:14 06/06/2017

“Just an update on me. I’ve seen the consultant and he said in the nicest possible way that the Manor would have been mad to operate. He has put a new cast on my thumb and told me to come back next Wednesday at 9.10 so he can check on my progress. The plan is just to let the wounds heal and the tendon may just reknit but if it doesn’t then there are options down the line. I am so, so glad that I walked out of the Manor. I can’t imagine waking up either with nothing done or a bodge or worse an infection. In any case they would have made the whole thing way more drawn out. I know being assertive can be a pain some times but I am relieved beyond belief.”

20:15 06/06/2017

“The new consultant asked what the old one had said when he saw the wound and I had to admit that the old guy hadn’t seen it – he would have seen it for the first time as he wielded his knife. I think I got out of the Manor just in time. If there were to be a god then I’m sure he must have been smiling on me. There is a bottle of wine with my name on it.”

20:37 06/06/2017

“Everyone at the Manor is convinced they are hard done by and they are understaffed and overstretched but a lot of it is bad judgement and organisational chaos. On a lighter note – a man comes around with a trolley in the Manor in the mornings selling newspapers and pop. The only newspaper he sells is the Sun – says something.”

18:48 20/06/2017

“I’ve just seen the consultant and he wants to drive a wire into my thumb tomorrow – I’ve negotiated it down to a local anaesthetic rather than a general though. So I will literally be wired tomorrow – then in splint for another 8-12 weeks – then physio. What a pain”

20:03 21/06/2017

“I’m back home with a wire in my thumb and a pill on my tongue (antibiotic – again). On the long road to recovery – lots more nurse appointments to go. Onward and upward.”

07:56 02/07/2017

“My hand is healing Ok but it is a long process. I went to the hospital again yesterday and the big splint remains. Anyway, the point is that i am worried about infection/getting knocks on the exposed pin so there are no holidays or crowds or long distance travel etc for me for at least another month. Such a small thing such a major pain.”

11:40 08/07/2017

“Update on me. Went to hospital again yesterday. Wounds have healed – bandage gone. But splint and wire remain to be removed on the 25th – followed by 6 weeks or so of physio. I am actually able to replace dressing myself daily – so the saga is all but over. Should be fixed in time for Barbecue. If you are bold I can send pic.”

The Whatsapp feed stopped as things became more manageable. The following dates were significant:

25th July – saw Consultant who removed the K Wire. My thumb was swollen, scarred and hypersensitive.

26 July – saw physio who reduced the size of the splint and advised on care and in particular bio oil

3rd August – saw physio who recommended treatment for hypersensitivity.

The long road to scars healing and repair will take a few months.

We are now 6 years on and my thumb has been fully functional for most of that time. You can still see the scar tissue and it doesn’t work so well but it doesn’t matter at all. I thank the lord every time that I think about it that I walked out before they did something awful to me.